ISA CTEEP closed out 2016 with 100% of the substations operated by remote control, directly from the Operations Center in Bom Jardim (SP), and a fully geo-referenced system that enables the company to identify any problem in the system quickly and accurately, providing more agility and assertiveness in responding to occurrences.
According to the 2017 Investment Plan, the amount invested by ISA CTEEP will total R$ 513.8 million, of which R$ 310.3 million will be in reinforcements, new connections, modernizations and improvements; R$ 157.6 million in investments by subsidiaries, and R$ 45.9 million in capitalization of personnel and corporate.
In 2016, ISA CTEEP resumed its participation in auctions, purchasing three lots of transmission projects totaling R$ 1,148.5 million and representing an expansion of 625 kilometers of transmission lines and 1,197 MVA of transformation capacity.